What does top mean?

Definitions for top

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word top.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. topnoun

    the upper part of anything

    "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"

  2. top, top side, upper side, upsidenoun

    the highest or uppermost side of anything

    "put your books on top of the desk"; "only the top side of the box was painted"

  3. peak, crown, crest, top, tip, summitnoun

    the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)

    "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"; "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit"

  4. top, top of the inningnoun

    the first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat

    "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth"

  5. acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop, topnoun

    the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development

    "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"

  6. topnoun

    the greatest possible intensity

    "he screamed at the top of his lungs"

  7. topnoun

    platform surrounding the head of a lower mast

  8. top, whirligig, teetotum, spinning topnoun

    a conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin

    "he got a bright red top and string for his birthday"

  9. top, covernoun

    covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)

    "he removed the top of the carton"; "he couldn't get the top off of the bottle"; "put the cover back on the kettle"

  10. topnoun

    a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips

    "he stared as she buttoned her top"

  11. circus tent, big top, round top, topadjective

    a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance

    "he was afraid of a fire in the circus tent"; "they had the big top up in less than an hour"

  12. top(a)verb

    situated at the top or highest position

    "the top shelf"

  13. exceed, transcend, overstep, pass, go past, topverb

    be superior or better than some standard

    "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year"

  14. clear, topverb

    pass by, over, or under without making contact

    "the balloon cleared the tree tops"

  15. topverb

    be at the top of or constitute the top or highest point

    "A star tops the Christmas Tree"

  16. lead, topverb

    be ahead of others; be the first

    "she topped her class every year"

  17. top, top outverb

    provide with a top or finish the top (of a structure)

    "the towers were topped with conical roofs"

  18. topverb

    reach or ascend the top of

    "The hikers topped the mountain just before noon"

  19. topverb

    strike (the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool) giving it a forward spin

  20. top, pinchverb

    cut the top off

    "top trees and bushes"

  21. crown, topverb

    be the culminating event

    "The speech crowned the meeting"

  22. top, top offverb

    finish up or conclude

    "They topped off their dinner with a cognac"; "top the evening with champagne"


  1. topnoun

    That part of an object furthest away in the opposite direction from that in which an unsupported object would fall.

    His kite got caught at the top of the tree.

  2. topnoun

    The part viewed, or intended to be viewed, nearest the edge of the visual field normally occupied by the uppermost visible objects.

    Headings appear at the tops of pages. Or, Further weather information can be found at the top of your television screen.

  3. topnoun

    A lid, cap or cover of a container.

    Put a top on the toothpaste tube or it will go bad.

  4. topnoun

    A garment worn to cover the torso.

    I bought this top as it matches by jeans.

  5. topnoun

    A child's spinning toy; a spinning top.

    The boy was amazed at how long the top would spin.

  6. topnoun

    A framework at the top of a ship's mast to which rigging is attached

  7. topnoun

    The first half of an inning, during which the home team fields and the visiting team bats.

  8. topnoun

    A dominant partner in a BDSM relationship or roleplay.

  9. topnoun

    A gay man who likes take an active sexual role rather than a passive role (e.g. to penetrate in anal sex rather than be penetrated).

    I prefer being a top, and my boyfriend likes being the bottom.

  10. topverb

    To cover on the top or with a top.

    I like my ice cream topped with chocolate sauce.

  11. topverb

    To cut or remove the top (as of a tree)

  12. topverb

    To excel, to surpass, to beat.

    Titanic was the most-successful film ever until it was topped by another Cameron film, Avatar.

  13. topverb

    To be in the lead, to be at number one position (of).

    Celine Dion topped the UK music charts twice in the 1990s.

  14. topverb

    To commit suicide, (rare) to murder.

    Depression causes many people to top themselves.

  15. topverb

    To be the dominant partner in a BDSM relationship or roleplay.

  16. topverb

    To be the partner who penetrates in anal sex.

  17. topnoun

    A top quark.

  18. topnoun

    The leaders in a competition

  19. topadverb

    Rated first.

    She came top in her French exam.

  20. topadjective


    She's in the top dance school in

  21. topadjective

    superior, of high quality

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. Topnoun

    Etymology: topp, Welsh; top , Saxon; top, Dutch and Danish; topper, a crest, Islandick.

    I should not see the sandy hour-glass run,
    But I should think of shallows and of flats,
    And see my wealthy Andrew dock’d in sand,
    Vailing her high top lower than her ribs. William Shakespeare.

    He wears upon his baby brow the round
    And top of sovereignty. William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

    Here Sodom’s tow’rs raise their proud tops on high,
    The tow’rs as well as men outbrave the sky. Abraham Cowley.

    Thou nor on the top of old Olympus dwell’st. John Milton.

    That government which takes in the consent of the greatest number of the people, may justly be said to have the broadest bottom; and if it terminate in the authority of one single person, it may be said to have the narrowest top, and so makes the firmest pyramid. William Temple.

    Sysiphus no sooner carries his stone up to the top of the hill but it tumbles to the bottom. Addison.

    So up the steepy hill with pain
    The weighty stone is rowl’d in vain;
    Which having touch’d the top recoils,
    And leaves the labourer to renew his toils. George Granville.

    Marine bodies are found upon hills, and at the bottom only such as have fallen down from their tops. John Woodward.

    Plants that draw much nourishment from the earth hurt all things that grow by them, especially such trees as spread their roots near the top of the ground. Francis Bacon, Nat. Hist.

    Shallow brooks that flow’d so clear,
    The bottom did the top appear. Dryden.

    He that will not set himself proudly at the top of all things, but will consider the immensity of this fabrick, may think, that in other mansions there may be other and different intelligent beings. John Locke.

    What must he expect, when he seeks for preferment, but universal opposition, when he is mounting the ladder, and every hand ready to turn him off when he is at the top? Jonathan Swift.

    How would you be,
    If he, which is the top of judgment, should
    But judge you as you are? William Shakespeare, Meas. for Measure.

    Zeal being the top and perfection of so many religious affections, the causes of it must be most eminent. Thomas Sprat.

    If you attain the top of your desires in fame, all those who envy you will do you harm; and of those who admire you few will do you good. Alexander Pope.

    The top of my ambition is to contribute to that work. Alexander Pope.

    Take a boy from the top of a grammar school, and one of the same age bred in his father’s family, and bring them into good company together, and then see which of the two will have the more manly carriage. John Locke, on Education.

    All the stor’d vengeance of heaven fall
    On her ingrateful top! William Shakespeare, King Lear.

    Arm’d, say you?
    ———— Arm’d, my lord.
    From top to toe? William Shakespeare.

    ’Tis a per’lous boy,
    Bold, quick, ingenious, forward, capable;
    He’s all the mother’s from the top to toe. William Shakespeare.

    Let’s take the instant by the forward top;
    For we are old, and on our quick’st decrees
    Th’ inaudible and noiseless foot of time
    Steals, ere we can effect them. William Shakespeare.

    The buds made our food are called heads or tops; as cabbage heads. Isaac Watts, Logick.

    Since I pluckt geese, play’d truant, and whipt top, I knew not what it was to be beaten till lately. William Shakespeare.

    For as whipp’d tops, and bandied balls,
    The learned hold, are animals:
    So horses they affirm to be
    Mere engines made by geometry. Hudibras, p. i.

    As young striplings whip the top for sport
    On the smooth pavement of an empty court,
    The wooden engine flies and whirls about,
    Admir’d with clamours of the beardless rout. Dryden.

    Still humming on their drowsy course they keep,
    And lash’d so long, like tops, are lash’d asleep. Alexander Pope.

    A top may be used with propriety in a similitude by a Virgil , when the sun may be dishonoured by a Mævius. William Broome.

    The top stones laid in clay are kept together. John Mortimer.

  2. To Topverb

    The glorious temple rear’d
    Her pile, far off appearing like a mount
    Of alabaster, topp’d with golden spires. John Milton, Par. Reg.

    To him the fairest nymphs do show
    Like moving mountains topt with snow. Edmund Waller.

    There are other churches in the town, and two or three palaces, which are of a more modern make, and built with a good fancy; I was shown the little notre dame; that is handsomely designed, and topp’d with a cupola. Addison.

    Top the bank with the bottom of the ditch. John Mortimer.

    A gourd planted close by a large pine, climbing by the boughs twined about them, till it topped and covered the tree. Roger L'Estrange.

    He’s poor in no one fault, but stor’d with all.
    ———— Especially, in pride.
    ———— And topping all others in boasting. William Shakespeare.

    So far he topp’d my thought,
    That I in forgery of shapes and tricks
    Come short of what he did. William Shakespeare.

    I am, cries the envious, of the same nature with the rest: why then should such a man top me? where there is equality of kind, there should be no distinction of privilege. Collier.

    Top your rose trees a little with your knife near a leaf bud. John Evelyn, Kalendar.

    If ought obstruct thy course, yet stand not still,
    But wind about till thou hast topp’d the hill. John Denham.

  3. To Topverb

    Etymology: from the noun.

    Those long ridges of lofty and topping mountains which run East and West, stop the evagation of the vapours to the North and South in hot countries. William Derham, Physico-Theol.

    Some of the letters distinguish themselves from the rest, and top it over their fellows; these are to be considered as letters and as cyphers. Joseph Addison, on ancient Medals.

    The thoughts of the mind are uninterruptedly employed by the determinations of the will, influenced by that topping uneasiness while it lasts. John Locke.

    But write thy best and top, and in each line
    Sir Formal’s oratory will be thine. Dryden.


  1. Top

    A spinning top, or simply a top, is a toy with a squat body and a sharp point at the bottom, designed to be spun on its vertical axis, balancing on the tip due to the gyroscopic effect. Once set in motion, a top will usually wobble for a few seconds, spin upright for a while, then start to wobble again with increasing amplitude as it loses energy, and finally tip over and roll on its side. Tops exist in many variations and materials, chiefly wood, metal, and plastic, often with a metal tip. They may be set in motion by twirling a handle with the fingers, by pulling a rope coiled around the body, or by means of a built-in auger (spiral plunger). Such toys have been used since antiquity in solitary or competitive games, where each player tries to keep one's top spinning for as long as possible, or achieve some other goal. Some tops have faceted bodies with symbols or inscriptions, and are used like dice to inject randomness into games, or for divination and ritual purposes. The ubiquity of spinning tops lends to the fact that the toy is used to name many living things such as Cyclosa turbinata, whose name comes from the Latin roots for spinning top.


  1. top

    1. The highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something. 2. The utmost degree or the highest level or degree achievable. 3. A piece of clothing that covers the upper part of the body. 4. In a hierarchical system, the person or group of people in the most authoritative and influential position. 5. A toy that spins rapidly on a small point, typically by being twirled in the fingers. 6. In computing, a command in UNIX and Unix-based operating systems that displays the tasks using the most system resources. 7. In LGBT terminology, the partner in a sexual activity who performs or is penetrating. These definitions vary depending on different fields, from general usage to specific areas like fashion, technology, hierarchy, or sexuality.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Topnoun

    a child's toy, commonly in the form of a conoid or pear, made to spin on its point, usually by drawing off a string wound round its surface or stem, the motion being sometimes continued by means of a whip

  2. Topnoun

    a plug, or conical block of wood, with longitudital grooves on its surface, in which the strands of the rope slide in the process of twisting

  3. Topnoun

    the highest part of anything; the upper end, edge, or extremity; the upper side or surface; summit; apex; vertex; cover; lid; as, the top of a spire; the top of a house; the top of a mountain; the top of the ground

  4. Topnoun

    the utmost degree; the acme; the summit

  5. Topnoun

    the highest rank; the most honorable position; the utmost attainable place; as, to be at the top of one's class, or at the top of the school

  6. Topnoun

    the chief person; the most prominent one

  7. Topnoun

    the crown of the head, or the hair upon it; the head

  8. Topnoun

    the head, or upper part, of a plant

  9. Topnoun

    a platform surrounding the head of the lower mast and projecting on all sudes. It serves to spead the topmast rigging, thus strengheningthe mast, and also furnishes a convenient standing place for the men aloft

  10. Topnoun

    a bundle or ball of slivers of comkbed wool, from which the noils, or dust, have been taken out

  11. Topnoun

    eve; verge; point

  12. Topnoun

    the part of a cut gem between the girdle, or circumference, and the table, or flat upper surface

  13. Topnoun


  14. Topverb

    to rise aloft; to be eminent; to tower; as, lofty ridges and topping mountains

  15. Topverb

    to predominate; as, topping passions

  16. Topverb

    to excel; to rise above others

  17. Topverb

    to cover on the top; to tip; to cap; -- chiefly used in the past participle

  18. Topverb

    to rise above; to excel; to outgo; to surpass

  19. Topverb

    to rise to the top of; to go over the top of

  20. Topverb

    to take off the or upper part of; to crop

  21. Topverb

    to perform eminently, or better than before

  22. Topverb

    to raise one end of, as a yard, so that that end becomes higher than the other


  1. Top

    A top is a toy designed to be spun rapidly on the ground, the motion of which causes it to remain precisely balanced on its tip because of inertia. Such toys have existed since antiquity. Traditionally tops were constructed of wood, sometimes with an iron tip, and would be set in motion by aid of a string or rope coiled around its axis which, when pulled quickly, caused a rapid unwinding that would set the top in motion. Today they are often built of plastic, and modern materials and manufacturing processes allows tops to be constructed with such precise balance that they can be set in motion by a simple twirl of the wrist without need for string or rope.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Top

    top, n. the highest part of anything: the upper end or surface: the upper part of a plant: the crown of the head: the highest place, rank, or crown, consummation: the chief or highest person: (naut.) a small platform at the head of the lower mast: the end-piece of a jointed fishing-rod: the same as top-boot, esp. in pl.adj. highest, foremost, chief: good, capital.—v.t. to cover on the top: to tip: to rise above: to surpass: to rise to the top of: to take off the top of: to hit a golf ball above its centre.—v.i. to be eminent:—pr.p. top′ping; pa.t. and pa.p. topped.—adj. Top′-boot′ed, wearing top-boots.—n.pl. Top′-boots, long-legged boots with an ornamental band of bright-coloured leather round the top.—ns. Top′coat, a coat worn outside one's other clothes: Top′-drain′ing, the act or practice of draining the surface of land.—v.t. Top′-dress, to spread manure on the surface of.—n. Top′-dress′ing, a dressing of manure laid on the surface of land: (fig.) any superficial covering.—adjs. Top′full (Shak.), full to the top or brim; Top′gallant, applied to the mast and sail next above the topmast and topsail and below the royal-mast.—n. Top′-hamp′er, unnecessary weight on a ship's upper-deck.—adj. Top′-heav′y, having the upper part too heavy for the lower: tipsy.—n. Top′-knot, a crest or knot of feathers upon the head of a bird: a knot of ribbons worn by women on the top of the head: the popular name of some small fishes of the same genus as the turbot and brill.—adjs. Top′-knotted; Top′less (Shak.), supreme, without superior; Top′loftical, Top′lofty, having a high top, pompous, bombastic.—ns. Top′loftiness; Top′man, a man stationed in one of the tops: a top-sawyer; Top′mast, the second mast, or that immediately above the lower mast.—adj. Top′most, next the top: highest.—ns. Top′per, one who, or that which, excels; Top′ping, the act of one who tops, that which tops: (pl.) that cut off in topping.—adj. surpassing, pre-eminent: arrogant.—adv. Top′pingly.—adj. Top′-proud (Shak.), proud in the highest degree.—ns. Topsail (top′sāl, or -sl), a sail across the topmast; Top′-saw′yer, the upper sawyer in a sawpit: (coll.) a superior, a person of importance; Top′-side, the upper part; Tops′man, a head-drover, a foreman; Top′-soil, the upper part or surface of the soil; Top′-soil′ing, removal of the top-soil; Top′-stone, a stone placed on the top, or which forms the top. [A.S. top; Ger. zopf.]

  2. Top

    top, n. a child's toy, shaped like a pear, and set or kept whirling round by means of a string or a whip. [Prob. Old Dut. top, toppe, dop, doppe; Mid. High Ger. topf, tupfen, a pot.]

Dictionary of Nautical Terms

  1. top

    A sort of platform placed over the head of the lower mast, from which it projects like a scaffold. The principal intention of the top is to extend the topmast-shrouds, so as to form a greater angle with the mast, and thereby give it additional support. It is sustained by certain timbers bolted fore-and-aft on the bibbs or shoulders of the mast, and called the trestle-trees; athwart these are the cross-trees. In ships of war it is used as a kind of redoubt, and is fortified accordingly. It is also very convenient for containing the materials for setting the small sails, fixing and repairing the rigging, &c. The tops are named after their respective masts. This top was formerly fenced on the after-side by a rail about three feet high, between the stanchions of which a netting was usually constructed, and stowed in action with hammocks. This was covered with red baize, or canvas painted red, and called the top-armour. Top-armours were in use with the Spaniards in 1810.

Suggested Resources

  1. TOP

    What does TOP stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the TOP acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

Surnames Frequency by Census Records

  1. TOP

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Top is ranked #38332 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Top surname appeared 578 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname Top.

    62.2% or 360 total occurrences were White.
    16.6% or 96 total occurrences were Asian.
    13.3% or 77 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    4.6% or 27 total occurrences were Black.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'top' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #881

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'top' in Written Corpus Frequency: #466

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'top' in Nouns Frequency: #331

  4. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'top' in Verbs Frequency: #860

  5. Adjectives Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'top' in Adjectives Frequency: #102

Anagrams for top »

  1. opt

  2. OTP

  3. pot

  4. PTO

  5. TPO

How to pronounce top?

How to say top in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of top in Chaldean Numerology is: 1

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of top in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6

Examples of top in a Sentence

  1. Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald:

    Jayme remains missing and endangered and has been added to the top of the FBI's Missing Persons list, and is currently on digital billboards nationwide.

  2. Grigor Dimitrov:

    There is always possibility for everything. I think the first step is definitely top five. From there you can sort of see the end, and that's the top, in order to do that, you need to win slams and big tournaments. That's just proven. There is no other way. There are no shortcuts.

  3. Dag Hammarskjld:

    Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was.

  4. Christopher Ransom:

    There are not that many medical conditions that produce transient, recurrent, and highly-stereotyped neurological symptoms and epileptic seizures top that list of diagnoses to consider, this case, however, produced a particular challenge because [ the ] patient initially only described the cyclical pattern of sweating, not neurological symptoms. It wasn't until a spell was directly observed that alterations of behavior, seen as slowed verbal responses, was recognized to accompany the episodes of intense sweating.

  5. Anne Marie Schieber:

    John Gibbs made the site to provoke the left on campus and to draw attention to the hypocrisy of some modern-day feminists. It was nothing more than a college kid being over the top, of course, John Gibbs does not believe that women shouldn't vote or shouldn't work, and John Gibbs mother worked for thirty-three years for the Michigan Department of Transportation !

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for top

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • قمةArabic
  • cofa, baldufaCatalan, Valencian
  • káča, vršekCzech
  • snurretopDanish
  • Deckel, Mars, Topp, Kappe, Oberteil, Top, KreiselGerman
  • σβούρα, καπάκι, κορυφή, πάνωGreek
  • suproEsperanto
  • máximo, camote, parte de más arriba, tapadera, dominador, parte superior, cubierta, cofa, [[hombre]] [[penetrador]], cabecera, top, dominadora, pirinola, trompo, tapa, peonza, activo, cima, cubrir, rendir, despuntar, rematar, sobresalirSpanish
  • vurr, vurrkann, aktiivneEstonian
  • تاپ, اکتیو, درجه یکPersian
  • nuppi, top, hyrrä, korkki, toppi, huippu, pää, kansi, [[antava]] [[osapuoli]], yläosa, huippuhela, paras, latva, yläreuna, voittaa, typistää, peittää, yläpää, päihittää, kattaa, katkaista, lyödäFinnish
  • hune, toupie, couvercle, dessus, première demi-mancheFrench
  • uachtarIrish
  • mullach, ceannScottish Gaelic
  • סביבוןHebrew
  • चोटीHindi
  • kupak, fedő, tető, felső rész, felsőHungarian
  • գագաթArmenian
  • teratasIndonesian
  • coperchio, top, sommità, trottola, parte superiore, attivo, cima, coffa, cappuccioItalian
  • 表, 独楽, 頂上, トップス, タチ, 蓋, 上着Japanese
  • 초, 꼭대기, 팽이Korean
  • cacumen, summitatemLatin
  • DappLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • augša, virsotne, galotneLatvian
  • tihi, hīpoki, kaihōtaka, pōtakaMāori
  • മൂടി, അടപ്പ്, മുകള്‍ ഭാഗം, പമ്പരം, മേല്‍ വസ്ത്രംMalayalam
  • оргил, оройMongolian
  • ဂျင်Burmese
  • deksel, mers, topp, kork, snurrebass, lokk, toppe, overgå, dekkeNorwegian
  • bovenkant, topje, bovenkleding, draaitol, deksel, tol, top-, van kant maken, uitmuntenDutch
  • topp, lokk, kork, deksel, mers, snurrebassNorwegian Nynorsk
  • cima, cume, ativo, tampa, top de linha, gávea, topo, top, pião, cimo, sumidade, cobrir, excelerPortuguese
  • vârf, culmeRomanian
  • кры́шка, активный, волчо́к, верши́на, юла́, лучший, верхняя одежда, верх, топ-, топ, верху́шкаRussian
  • зврк, а̏ктӣван, ȁktīvan, чигра, čigra, zvrkSerbo-Croatian
  • överdel, märs, topp, propp, snurra, kapsyl, lock, överträffaSwedish
  • trumpoTagalog
  • төпеTatar
  • đánh quayVietnamese
  • tupitVolapük

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    the trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury
    A evangelist
    B scholastic
    C pluck
    D jab

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